Persamaan Transistor S9015
Collector Dissipation - 04 W. This transistor is further divided into four groups according to the DC current gain O Y G and L and has 140 240 400 and 700 hfe DC current gain respectively.
Transistor S9015 S9015c 9015 To 92 Pnp 50v 0 1a Shopee Indonesia
2000 Fairchild Semiconductor International Rev.
Persamaan transistor s9015. S9015 S9015 Datasheet S9015 PNP Small Signal Transistor buy S9015 Transistor. Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta25C unless otherwise noted. SS9015 PNP EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR LOW FREQUENCY LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER TO-92 Complement to SS9014 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS T 25 A Characteristic Symbol Rating Unit V Collector-Base Voltage VCBO -50 V Collector-Emitter Voltage VCEO -45 V Emitter-Base Voltage VEBO -5 mA Collector Current IC -100 mW Collector Dissipation PC 450 Junction Temperature TJ 150 Storage Tem.
I am searching something can replace these transistors. NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta25C unless otherwise noted Electrical Characteristics Ta25C unless otherwise noted hFE Classification Symbol Parameter Ratings Units VCBO Collector-Base Voltage 50 V VCEO Collector-Emitter Voltage 45 V VEBO Emitter-Base Voltage 5 V IC Collector Current 100 mA PC Collector Power. BF199 BF494 2N4001 2N4003 MPSA18 And there are all I have.
PNP LOW FREQUENCY LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER S9015 datasheet S9015 circuit S9015 data sheet. The SS9014 is a low signal and low noise NPN transistor with a good hfe value of upto 1000 of high linearity this makes this transistor an ideal choice for designing Audio Frequency AF amplifiers or pre-amplifiers. Dan kadang kita susah mencari transistor yang jarang digunakan pada rangkaian elektronik dimana komponen tersebut sangat vital sekali.
Transistor adalah Pengertian Fungsi Jenis Cara Kerja dan Kategori Untuk pembahasan kali ini kami akan mengulas mengenai Transistor yang dimana dalam hal ini meliputi pengertian fungsi jenis cara kerja dan kategori nah agar lebih dapat memahami dan dimengerti simak ulasan selengkapnya dibawah ini. Transistor Bipolar Transistor adalah bagian dari semikonduktor dalam part elektronik di mana transist arus dan tegangan untuk kemudian berubah bentuk atau besaran-besarannya dalam daya tertentu. But 8050 and 8550 seem by fit to make push-pull amplifer.
Transistor menjadi komponen aktif yang utama di semua rangkaian elektronik. DC current gain hfe O. Characteristics of the S9015 bipolar transistor.
SAMSUNG alldatasheet datasheet Datasheet search site for Electronic. All I need are for radio receiver or RF light. SS9015 PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor.
A60150 100300B C200600. ShenZhen CanSheng Industry Development CoLtd. Replacement and Equivalent for S9014 You can replace the S9014 with the KSP05 KSP06 KTC9014 MPSW05 MPSW05G MPSW06 MPSW06G or SS9014.
PNP General Purpose Transistors. Persamaan transistor lengkap Ketika kita akan merangkaian komponen ataupun memeperbaiki elektronik terkadang kita mendapat kendala untuk mencari komponen yang kita butuhkan. Amplification factor usually determined in term of power for calculating the current gain we use the formula.
Electrical Characteristics Ta25C unless otherwise noted. 2N3904 S9012 S9014 S9015 S9018 8050 8550 C945 D965. PNP EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR Version C10 S9015 General Purpose Application Switching Application Collector Current Ic-100mA Collector Power Dissipation Pc450mW Complementary to S9014 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Ta25 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Ta25 unless otherwise specified hFE Classification.
The S9015 is a complementary PNP transistor for the S9014. S9018 TRANSISTOR NPN FEATURES z High Current Gain Bandwidth Product MAXIMUM RATINGS T a25 unless otherwise noted ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS T a25 unless otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Test conditions Min Typ Max Unit Collector-base breakdown voltage V BRCBO I C100mAI E0 25 V Collector-emitter breakdown voltage V. S9015 sot-23pdf Size257K _can-sheng.
Low Frequency Low Noise Amplifier. Daya Electric Group Co. DC Current Gain h fe - 60 to 1000.
DC Current Gain IC COLLECTOR CURRENT mA 30 100 150 200 01 h CURRENT GAIN 02 03 05 20 30 10 20 10 50 FE TJ 125C. SS9015 PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor.
840pcs Transistor To 92 Beragam Npn Pnp Diy 2n222 S9018 Bc327 Shopee Indonesia
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S9015 Datasheet Equivalent Cross Reference Search Transistor Catalog
Jual Transistor S9012 S9013 S9014 S9015 S9018 S8550 S8050 2sc945 C 945 C945 A1015 C1815 1815 2n222 2n3906 2n3904 2n5401 2n5551 Di Lapak Seika Bukalapak
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